Saturday 3 December 2011

Croqui making with CorelDRAW

Concept: The lesson is designed using CorelDRAW, the world fame vector program used by artists, illustrators and designers. CorelDRAW is a very user friendly software and you can learn fast for the basic level. Try to explore more commands using these lessons as guideline. CorelDRAW has best of the drawing and editing facilities with the astonishing range of effects. Please try to go further than these tips and tricks by drawing your own shapes and applying effects with different options.

1. Open Corel DRAW and select Bazier Tool. If you are good with free hand drawing you can use Free hand Tool.
2. Draw the basic layout of the design. Close the design.
corel draw tutorials
3. Select Shape tool and with the help of Node Edit edit the basic pattern according to your choice.
corel draw tips
4. Fill the details with the help of Bazier or Free hand Tool.
corel draw tricks
corel draw fashions
corel draw designs
5. Fill the desired color.
corel draw projects


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